
Session_20_ Propositions

Sunday 7th, Sunday 14th, Sunday 21st, Sunday 28th


Am Nuden Da initiate four events at the ICA, London (link) each Sunday in August.
An announcement for each event will be made on Thursdays.
The event is free but booking is required, please sign up here.

Richard H.M. Parry writes about Session_20_Propositions (link)

Announcement 4
Announcement 3

Announcement 2
Announcement 1

Sunday 7 August 2011

A young man of Eastern European descent will, in the late afternoon of Sunday the 7th meet with his friends on the lawn immediately behind Peyton Byrnes Café in St. James' Park. There are 12 of them, 8 guys and 4 girls. The young man in question picks up a football and kicks it to an immense height. As it reappears and hits the ground it collapses. The moment creates a situation of dismay and yet the flat ball quickly establishes a new status as a trophy of sorts.

A middle-aged woman, English looking, well dressed, enters the park at approximately the same time near Buckingham Palace, from the north-western side. She makes her way down towards the lake and eventually crosses the bridge from where one has a perhaps sublime view of several London landmarks. She stops for a moment as a deliberate obstacle comes to mind, that moment of physiological disorientation makes her stumble, she falls flat on her face and looses sight of the eye for a while.

Simultaneously, an exact copy of the great American artist Richard Serra's Tilted Arc from 1981 is revealed on the gravelled planes just behind 10 Downing Street. The sculpture finds immediate praise for its dual function as public artwork and counter terrorism device. This is a wonderful marriage of the rational and the irrational a man is heard shouting. The sculpture is planned to remain in place until the end of the Olympic year. The opposition voted against the move.

Am Nuden Da invites you for drinks on Sunday the 7th August 2011 from 5-6pm in the Nash room at the ICA, London.