
Session_19_ Structure
Private View Saturday 9th July 2011_7-9
Show open 11th July - 27th August 2011
Mon - Sat_12-5

at Die Raum, Oderberger Straße 56, 10435 Berlin (link)

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Press release

For Session_19_ Structure Am Nuden Da will build a tiered, modular structure within the exhibition space of Die Raum.

Die Raum provides the stable condition within which this structure can exist as a proposition that lends itself towards the autonomous; that of sculpture, but also acts to accommodate Am Nuden Da for the short time they are in Berlin during construction and post vernissage.

The purpose, to create a space that allows for dialogue and rest. An object associated with annunciation. How and when does something announce itself? How does a thing inhabit status? What narratives are we relying on in order to engage?

A space that allows for the concrete and the political: structure as form, as accommodator: a bringing together of the desperate. A method for recognising the potential within constellations; spanning from the natural to the philosophical. A structure can be a building or simply an attribute, however always a host.

Four words that rhyme with structure: cocksure, fructure, culture, juncture.